DraganV has been in the field of personal development for 37 years, is a highly sought after mental coach, with over 50 thousand personal graduates from more than 500 live seminars he has given to corporations and individual groups.
His clientele includes corporations such as Motorola, Amway, GE Money Bank, JUST of Switzerland, Eurotel (currently O 2), Lyoness, sport teams of A.C. Sparta (soccer), Czech National Ice Hockey Team U-20, Czech National Soccer Team U-21, sports celebrities in the field of golf, tennis, soccer and ice hockey, a television news anchor, acting and fashion celebrities among others.
He has references from European Director of Microsoft and Deloitte and Touche.

DraganV has authored 63 products in the area of personal development and mental training, such as: ' Love Mind', ' Learn How To Learn', 'Wealth is Your Natural Right', 'The Victorious Mind', 'Time is My Friend', 'Accelerated Learning of Foreign Languages', 'ABC of Health', ' Self-Change as the Key to Success', to name a few.
He currently provides group as well as one on one Top Mental Training in the areas of increased sales performance, corporate management, marital harmony, goal achievement, sports performance, health improvement, relationship development, self-esteem, art of communication, accelerated learning and stress elimination.
DraganV has improved the quality of life of over 400 thousand people from all walks of life through his aggregate effort of his own personal development courses and the courses of lecturers he has trained and influenced in 37 years.
DraganV has created a special system of greater usage of the brain, called 'Top Mental Training'.
I would have never imagined how strongly my life could be influenced, stimulated and enlightened. Meeting Dragan that day on the beach during my holiday in Egypt almost 3 years ago has changed everything; the way how I see and how I treat the world, myself and the others.
Being equipped with loads of theories is one thing, but having them integrated in our daily lives with the help of Dragan as a personal trainer and friend gives a totally different life perspective.
Adam Stastny Keyence International, Manager
For almost fifteen years when I lived in Prague I was mentored regularly and successfully by Dragan Vujovic, a dedicated professional in human potential development.It is a pleasure to endorse and recommend any and all of Dragan’s education programs.Peter Magurean III Miami Beach, Florida, USA